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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

As promised...

Here are the math centers that we are working on this week:

In this center they sort the addition & subtraction facts into the barn with the correct # on it. The tiles are there for them to use if they need manipulatives to solve the fact. This has been a tough center for my kids this week.

Here they have to put the farmer with the correct tractor. They look at the # sequence on the tractor & find the farmer with the missing number.

This is spin a farm animal. This center is driving me crazy this week because the kids won't stop spinning until they get the entire graph filled up. They are supposed to stop when one animal gets to the top & then they are supposed to solve some addition problems using the graph, but my kids want the whole graph filled for some reason...go figure!

In the animal round up center they work in pairs to fill their barn with the animals. They take turns rolling 2 dice & adding them together. Then, they put the animal on top of the number on their barns. The first one to fill up the barn wins. This has been a great center so far. :)

I am very pleased at how well they are doing with this number sequencing center. They get 3 animals that are alike, put them in order from least to greatest, & then record their answers on the corresponding sheet.

These centers come from Ms. Jump & Ms. Oakes. I love their stuff! 

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Farm Time Ya'll!

It is farm time in kindergarten! Here is a peek at my literacy stations. I will post my math centers tomorrow...I forgot to take the pictures of them! Oops!
Pocket Chart Station has mixed up sentences that the kids have to unscramble. I was going to have them write them down, but it takes them the whole time to get them unscrambled.

In this station they sort the pictures according to the number of syllables. After they finish the sort there is a complimentary sheet that they record their work on. We have done this MANY times, so my kids are really good at this skill!

This station has farm cards in it & the kids type the words onto the alphasmart. They LOVE this one. I don't get the alphasmarts out very often.

In this phonics work station the kids match up the rhyming words. We are having a lot of trouble rhyming, so I am trying to give them tons of practice.

Write the Room station- they search the room for the pictures that are on their board. When they find the word they write it next to the corresponding picture on their board.

Making words station- they unscramble the names of the farm animals & then record then next to the picture of the animal. I love this one! I am always surprised at how well they do here!
That's it so far...we are making the greatest farm animal book that I got from Mrs. Jump's blog. I will post the pictures of them when we get it finished. The stations above came from Ms. Oakes, Ms. Kilburn & Over the Moonbow. Check them out on TPT! They are some of my favorites! :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I "love" this...

Here is what we are doing for interactive writing this week.


Each day 4 students come up & fill in the chart. We are really talking about quotation marks and commas. We read the whole chart after someone writes (that's a LOT of repetition)! When everyone has written their part of the chart I will cut their sentences apart. Then, I will mix them up & give them back to the kids to sort out & paste to a piece of construction paper. They will then illustrate their page & it will become a class book! I LOVE doing these books & the kids really LOVE reading them.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

100th Day!!

Happy 100th Day to us! Here are the fun things that we did today...
100 bingo dots

100 Froot Loop necklaces

100 hats

100 polkadots

100 smiling faces

This was our "100" snack

Friends that have been with me for 100 days (my personal favorite). Sorry, but I couldn't get this one to rotate.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lots of Learning Going On

My students are "loving" their work stations this week...hee hee! Here is a peek at what we are doing...
Math Stations:

Heart counting~ they count the colored hearts & write how many there are.

Measuring with hearts

Measuring with hearts & recording the number.

Making shapes with clay & toothpicks. They make 3D & 2D shapes.

Here are some of the 2D shapes we have been working on.

In this center they arrange the hearts from smallest to largest.

This is a favorite...they pick a domino, draw the domino, write a # sentence, & draw the picture to tell the story of the # sentence. This is a great station!
Literacy Stations:
This is an -at & -og family sort.

We are learning the /tr/ blend this week. They cut out the words that begin with tr & paste them in the boxes.

"Valentine" write the room

This is a high frequency word stamping center. The kids love this one.
I forgot to take a picture of the writing center, but the kids really loved the new things that were there. I got some stuff from TPT from Ms. Wills. She has great writing center stuff that is all made & ready to go!
Tomorrow is our 100th day so I will post all the fun learning things that I have planned for tomorrow!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Busy Week...

     My kindergarten has a busy week ahead of them. I am starting Valentine math & literacy work stations...some will be new & some will be familiar. A good time will be had by all :). I will be sure to post pics of the fun learning that we will be doing!
     Tuesday will be our 100th day of school & I have a day of fun-filled 100 themed activities & learning. This is always a favorite of my kinders. I am excited because I will be trying some new things that I found on TPT. I will also be posting the pics for this.
     February is such a busy month! I love it because it seems to fly by...before you know it, we will be enjoying our spring break! Yay!!