Here is my word wall. It irritates me that it is so big and takes up pretty much all of my white board space, but I don't have anywhere else to put it & it is a requirement in my school that it be this big!
This is my birthday bulletin board. My assistant made it & I am not crazy about the color scheme...but, hey, I didn't have to make it so I'm not complaining! I give the students a little treat bag on their birthday. The bags are hanging with their pictures and birthdate written beside them. On their birthday, they get to pull their bags off the wall. For some of my students, this is the only gift that they get :(.
This is my (sideways) name chart. It is made following the K Phonics book from Fountas & Pinnell. It aggravates me too because I have a very transient class & I am constantly having to modify it. But, it looks pretty right now!