Friday, July 11, 2014

Paper Fan Tutorial...My Latest Obsession!

So- I am super into paper fans right now...

I used to have tissue puffy balls hanging in my classroom.
They looked like this...

Please excuse the bare bones, boring  classroom. Anyway~ I hang the puff balls over each table group & that's how I organize groups & centers & well, everything...

Sooooo, I got a little tired of the puff balls after 3 years & now I am switching to fans. 

Well, I thought I would do a little tutorial so that you can make them for your very own, that is, if you like them! :)

STEP 1:  Accordian Fold a 12 x 18 piece of construction paper (about 1" folds).
*You will need 3 of these.

STEP 2: Fold all 3 of them in half.

STEP 3: Get that hot glue gun fired up & start gluing the ends of all 3 sections together!

 Keep Gluing... REMEMBER, you are just gluing the edges together...see, it's starting to look fan-ish!
 Just keep gluing....halfway there...
 Almost done, just gotta glue those last two edges together! 
 Yay! All that gluing paid off!! A pretty 12" fan! 
 OPTIONAL STEP 4: Add a label to the fan. I put the label on front & back because mine will be hanging from the ceiling & turning around occassionally.
 STEP 5: Hot Glue a ribbon on & ba-da-bing you have yourself a paper fan!! Yippie!!
Here's my little bundle of colored fans. 
My room will be rainbow chevron this year & I am LOVING these bright colored cuties!! I cannot wait to get in my classroom & hang them all up!! 

Don't worry, I will post picks!! 


  1. I love the fans! We aren't allowed to hang anything from our ceiling. :( I'm jealous!
    Miss King's Enchanted Kingdom

  2. Boo! I always hang stuff from the ceiling. I've seen them on bulletin boards, too....maybe you could try that if you like them. :)

    Jen's Kinder Kids

  3. I love the fan idea!!! What a great alternative to the puff balls!!! I am so doing this, this year. My room is going to be superhero/rainbow colors this year! I will glue onomonopias to the front of mine!! Thanks for the great idea!

  4. LOVE this!! I need to refresh my room, as I am looping up with my firsties to second! Question: Do you have the team signs in your store, or where did you find them? Thanks!!!

  5. Super cute! I was getting tired of my pom pom balls too! I am going to give these a try! Thanks so much for sharing.

    Luv My Kinders

  6. I love these, thanks for sharing.
