Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's That Time Again!! YAY!!

Have you seen them?

There out there!!

In Target & in Wal-Mart!!!

BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES!!! favorite time of the year!

I am slightly obsessed with the glittery, shiny, yumminess of back to school displays...weird, right?!?!
Anyhow- I had to restrain myself from going completely nut-so & I only bought a few cutie pie things from the dollar spot. 
Here they are...

See, it's not too out of hand...yet! I just love the birthday goodies. I always give my kids a little birthday bag on their special day. The shark & butterfly bags will be their "Welcome to my Class" gift. I usually stick a glue stick, pack of crayons, pencil, eraser, & a sucker in there for them. LOVEEEEEE that dollar spot!!

Oh, oh, oh...I almost forgot that I also scored MY diet coke while I was there!! Don't you just love stuff with your name on it?? Especially when it is a DIET COKE (aka teacher crack)!!!

What about you?? Any finds I need to know about??


  1. Uh oh...this is the time of year where I really have to restrain myself to keep my budget in check. There's just too much cute stuff out there! At least I can rationalize that I don't spend too much if it's only the dollar spot :)

    Carolina Teacher

  2. I got this crazy itch when I was in Target the other day as I saw all of the great school supplies being put out! It took a lot of restraint not to buy anything! As soon as I get this good ole summer school pay Ill be ready to go shopping!

    Enjoy all of your neat new items!

