Monday, October 26, 2015

Purple Power!

Hello Bloggy Friends!!
I want to show you the most awesome thing everrrr.

Look at her...
Isn't she a beauty?!

It is the new Popular Purple Pencil Sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies. I loooove the pencil sharpeners that they make! Just take a look at the power that this little purple princess produces- did you get all that alliteration? Ha!

It gets my pencils so sharp! I'm pretty sure pencils this sharp are  probably illegal in some states...not! But, seriously, they get REAllllly sharp! 
*Bonus- They don't have that dreaded- lopsided-half sharpened- make me crazy- why does this happen to me- issue! 
You know what I'm talking about...oh, the frustration!! 
Here is some interesting info that you may not know about this awesome little company:
  1. It is run by a teacher, just like us, that was fed up with all the pencil sharpeners on the market. So, he knows!! :)
  2. These sharpeners are super quiet & they have a 90 day money back guarantee....but, you will love it & won't need to use it! 
  3. They will ship this Perfect Purple Package of happiness to you for FREE! 

SO...what are you waiting for??
Go get your own Popular Purple Perfectly Perfect Pencil Sharpener- NOW!! 

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