Friday, October 2, 2015

Data, Data, & MORE Data!

Hello Bloggy Friends!!

I have officially made it to the end of the first quarter, finished report cards, and had conferences with all my parents! 
Whew...that was super quick!

In this post I want to show you something that made mid-terms, report cards, and conferences a lot less painful/stressful/grueling/etc.... 

Here goes nothing...

One of my MAJOR goals this year is for my kiddos to take accountability for their own learning & behavior. I wanted it to be something that would:
  1. Be extremely easy to manage. 
  2. Be kid friendly.
  3. Give me good data.

Enter the data folder...

 Each kiddo has one of these and having them on the file folder saves me a lot of paper clutter & paper shuffling when I need to find a certain page or student. Disclaimer: I am super OCD when it comes to clutter! 

 I just go here to my handy dandy hanging folder pocket thingy. Each kid's folder is bright & easy to find (and in ABC order...did I mention the OCD?). I just grab the folder & the kiddo & we get down to business.

So, do you wanna see inside the folder????
Heck yeah, you do!! 

Here is the front of the folder. It has the BIG skills that I will teach in math this 1st quarter. This is not all I will teach in 1st quarter, it's just the meat of the quarter that I think is the most important. I pre-assess them at the beginning of the quarter & I will assess again in the middle & at the end so that they can see the growth that they made! 
It's so cool! 
This sheet will change by the quarter. 

Inside the folder is literacy. Reading on the left & writing on the right. The reading sheet will stay in the folder the entire year. There is no need to change it. The writing sheet will change with each new writing unit. Right now we are doing personal narratives. At the bottom of the writing sheet we write in the goals that the student needs to work on. She decided on these goals by herself based on her own, that's what I'm talking about!! 
 The weekly behavior page is on the back. On Friday, each child comes to me really quick to look at their behavior for the week. The STUDENT decides which face he deserves. Then, we talk about ways to improve. That's what I write in the comments so we can remember from week to week. 

 Now, that's accountability for ya! 

The pictures are from the 1st 4 weeks of school. When I got to the end of the quarter I had all the data right there to make filling out my mid-terms & report cards a breeze. 
Mainly, I LOOOOVEEE the fact that the students are super involved in this process. Anyone can come to my room & ask one of my students about reading, writing, math, or behavior goals & the students can either tell them or they can show them the folder. It is awesome!! 

So here's the sweet friend Kim from Mrs. J's Jitterbugs created it! 
She said that I can give one away for FREEEEE!! could win this baby!!

1. Just follow her TpT Store 
2. Leave me a comment on this post to tell me that you followed         her.
3. You can win one of your very own!! 

There are pages for CCSS standards in math for the year. There are also pages for writing- narrative, opinion, & information. You saw the reading & high frequency words & behavior pages. Seriously check it will LOVE it just like me!! 

Show my friend some love!! 


  1. I am Mrs. J's Jitterbugs newest follower #8 :)

  2. This looks fantastic. Would love one for kindergarten. Followed her.

  3. This looks fantastic. Would love one for kindergarten. Followed her.

  4. You are so organized. I love it! I am so follower #15 :-)
